many brands, businesses and individuals have turned to social media in
recent years as a way to improve interaction with customers, build brand
awareness and increase their revenues. Unfortunately, social media is
still relatively new and there are plenty of misconceptions out there
that can spell disaster for any budding social media enterprise. How do
we know what advice works and what advice does not? In the following
article, we will outline a few simple strategies that any social media
effort should utilize in order to foster accountability, accuracy and
broad effect on major social media websites.
Create a Team
Even small social networking endeavors need more than one person to
be involved in the effort. When social media falls under the purview of
just one person, it is often more prone to mistakes and failure as a
result of the lack of diversity, opinions and perspectives. No two
people will see any concept or action the same way: when you are
pinging networks
with status updates, promotions and events, you need at least one
additional perspective to ensure that everything is worded properly and
has broad appeal to your audience. This is also a great way in which to
create accountability, as a one-person team has no effective checks and
balances in place.
Listen to Others
The act of listening via social media may apply in more than one way:
one obvious method is to listen to fellow individuals who are on your
social media team. Their ideas are valuable and their perspectives can
help avoid potential public relations mishaps. Another great way in
which to listen is by monitoring competitors’ social media hubs in order
to see what tactics they use to boost exposure and attract followers.
In many respects, you will be able to see what works (which topics and
styles of commentary receive the most attention) and what does not
(which posts go un-liked or without comments).
Know Your Goals
What exactly is your purpose for utilizing social media? Have you
decided that your brand needs more exposure, or are you attempting to
generate additional revenue through social media? Some companies use
social media as a way to develop brand retention and loyalty, while
others build their new businesses from the ground up using social media
outreach. Any social media effort needs to have concrete goals from the
beginning in order to gain the most efficiency and achieve success. At
first, settle on one particular goal and expand your efforts as you
begin to achieve that goal.
Inspect Your Audience
With a variety of social media analytics tools available, social
media teams should be pinging networks in order to find out more about
their audiences. If you can determine the average age, gender, consumer
habits or interests of your audience, then you can tie your brand’s
approach in with some of these elements in order to drum up more
enthusiasm. While basic analysis of your social media’s demographics
will not unlock all the answers you seek in regards to long-term
success, it can help paint a picture of your overall audience and how to
better tune your social media efforts to their liking.
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